UNILEVER | Unilever Nigeria H1-2021 Earnings Update : Out of the woods?

    Recently,  Unilever  Nigeria  Plc  (“UNILEVER”  or  “the  company”) published  its  Unaudited  H1-2021  financial  result.  According  to  the report, Revenue grew strongly in H1-2021, up by 43.2% y/y to N39.2bn from  N27.3bn  in  H1-2020.    Similarly,  Q2-2021  Revenue  performance grew 40.8% y/y indicating revenue resilience. However, the company continues  to  face  noticeable  cost  pressures  which  exerts  sustained pressure  on  profitability.  Nevertheless,  the  company  turned  a  corner on profitability after posting a Net income of N0.7bn in H1-2021, from a loss of N0.5bn in H1-2020 ...


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