Au titre de l’exercice 2023, la Sonatel affiche des réalisations opérationnelles et financières solides, supérieures à nos prévisions initiales. Le Groupe démontre ainsi sa forte résilience dans un contexte marqué par une concurrence intense. Les réalisation de la Sonatel confortent notre Recommandation d’ACHAT publiée le 18 juillet 2023 (Cf. note AGR Sonatel - Recommandation d'Achat).
Au terme de l’année 2023, l’économie ivoirienne a réussi à maintenir un rythme de croissance très soutenu autour de 7% en dépit des défis conjoncturels. Le contexte géopolitique mondial tendu, les enjeux sécuritaires en Afrique de l’Ouest ou encore les conditions climatiques peu favorables n’ont que peu d’incidence sur la trajectoire impressionnante de croissance de ce pays leader de la zone UEMOA.
A "leadership" preserved in all countries of presence The incumbent telecommunications provider of Senegal (SONATEL), a subsidiary of the Orange Group, is a key player in West Africa. The company is active in Fixed Line telephony, Mobile, Internet Services, Mobile Money segments as well as in new services related to the use of Data.
Un « leadership » préservé sur l’ensemble des pays de présence. La Société Nationale de Télécommunication du Sénégal (SONATEL), filiale du Groupe Orange, est un acteur de référence en Afrique de l’Ouest. L’opérateur intervient sur les segments du Fixe, du Mobile, de l’Internet, du Mobile Money ainsi que sur les nouveaux services relatifs à l’usage de la Data. À fin 2022, la Sonatel préserve une position de leader dans l’ensemble des pays de présence :
The stock market of the Regional Stock Exchange closed down this week with a BRVM C which contracted by 1.01% to 197.7 points, a BRVM 30 by 1% to 98.9 points and a BRVM Prestige by 1.20% to 102.5 points. This week's underperformance is linked to declines in all sectoral indices except for the "Transport" and "Other Sectors" sectors, which recorded increases of 0.35% and 6.82% respectively this week. On the other hand, the sectors "Distribution" (-3.59%), "Industry" (-2.11%), "Agriculture" (-1.44%), "Public Services" (-1.10%), "Finance" (-0.15%) are all in poor shape this week. As for volume transactions, they are down, unlike the previous week, standing at 2,938,629 shares traded against 4,224,076 shares. ETI TOGO dominates trade, accounting for 90% of this volume. In value, transactions increased by 33.41% to 1.72 billion FCFA against 1.29 billion FCFA last week. In value terms, BOA Côte d'Ivoire and BICI Côte d'Ivoire accounted for 11% and 38% of transactions respectively. In total, 12 values are up against 24 down, 8 values have remained constant.
The stock market of the Regional Stock Exchange closed down this week with a BRVM C which contracted by 0.84% to 206.10 points, a BRVM 30 by 0.76% to 103.28 points and a BRVM Prestige by 0.35% to 106.78 points. The underperformance observed this week is linked to the declines recorded in all sectoral indices except the "Industry" and "Transport" sectors which recorded increases of 0.66% and 8.59% respectively. On the other hand, the sectors "Other Sectors" (-2.55%), "Public Services" (-1.28%), "Finance" (-0.93%), "Agriculture" (-0.73%) and "Distribution" (-0.5%) are all in poor shape this week. As for volume transactions, they are up, as in the previous week, reaching 6 998 018 shares traded against 2 123 397 shares. ETI TOGO dominates trade, accounting for 94% of this volume. In value, transactions fell by 27.58% to 2.41 billion XOF against 3.32 billion XOF last week. In value terms, SONATEL accounted for 22% of transactions. In total, 14 values are up against 23 down, 8 values have remained constant.