Victoria Falls Stock Exchange Trading Handbook 2024.
IH Securities is a securities trading company facilitating trade on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. IH Securities has assembled a well-regarded Equity Research team. The scope and quality of our Equity Research gives us a deep understanding of our clients businesses and the markets in which they operate, enabling us to provide the best possible advice. Our Research team provides clients with timely, accurate and unbiased views.
Latest Reports
- SEED | Seed Co Limited 1H25 Earnings Update; Winter Cereals Outperform Maize in First Half
- SCIL | Seed Co International 1H25 Earnings Update; Early Season Onset Bolsters Volumes
- DLTA | Delta Corporation 1H25 Earnings Update; Aggregate performance propped by lagers division
- ZSE | IH Monthly Snapshot Report - October 2024
- DZL | Dairibord Holdings 1H24 Earnings Update; Dairibord Retains Largest Portion of Market Share
- SIM | Simbisa Brands - FY24 Earnings Update; Customer Counts Resilient Against Headwinds
- PHL.VX | Padenga Holdings 1H24 Earnings Update; Record Gold Prices Underpin Revenue Performance
- AXIA.VX | Axia Corporation FY24 Earnings Update; Strong Retail Sales Offset DGA Decline
- INN.VX | Innscor Africa FY24 Earnings Update; Positive volumes growth witnessed in core segments
- ZSE | IH Monthly Snapshot Report - September 2024