GSE | Ghana Stock Exchange - Fixed Income Market Report - March 28, 2022

    At last week’s auction, offers tendered were below Government’s target and accepted bids were also below the tendered bids as GH¢434.69 million was raised in 91-Day Bills, GH¢72.65 million in 182-Day Bills and GH¢220.37 million in 364-Day Bills as compared to GH¢1,064.54 million raised in 91-Day Bills and GH¢113.68 million raised in 182-Day Bills at the previous auction. Yields moved up again reflecting recent MPR announcement as rates settled at 14.14%, 14.51% and 17.11% for the 91-Day Bills, 182-Day Bills and 364-Day Bills respectively.

    The target for the next auction (Tender #1792) is GH¢766.00 million in 91-Day Bills, 182-Day Bills and 364-Day Bills.


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