GSE | Weekly Capital Market Report - November 11, 2022

    Market activity for the week declined by 10.82 points to close at 2,449.49 points translating into a YTD return of -12.18%. The GSE Financial Stock Index (GSE-FSI) however gained 1.74 points to close at 2,071.63 points translating into a YTD return of -3.73%.

    Twenty-three (23) equities traded over the week, ending with two (2) gainers and one (1) decliner. NewGold (GLD) and Trust Bank Gambia Ltd. (TBL) were the gainers as they gained GH¢43.20 and GH¢0.05 to close trading at GH¢261.40 and GH¢0.60 respectively. Scancom PLC. (MTNGH) was the sole decliner as it lost GH¢0.01 to close trading at GH¢0.87. Market Capitalization increased by GH¢12.38 million to close the trading week at GH¢64.69 billion.

    A total of 512,787 shares valued at GH¢8,720,701.69 were traded during the week. Compared with the previous trading week, this week’s data shows a decline of 0.79% and 43.02% respectively in volume traded and trade turnover. MTNGH emerged as the most traded stock at the close of trading session, accounting for 50.77% of overall trade volume, whilst GLD accounted for 89.43% of the total value traded.


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