LHN | Letshego Holdings Namibia - 1H21 Initial Impression

    Letshego Holdings (Namibia) Ltd (LHN) released interim results for the period ended 30 June 2021 (1H21).  Earnings and headline earnings per share increased by 26.2% y/y from 23.3cps to 31.9cps, while profit after  tax rose by 26.2% y/y to N$159.6 million. Earnings growth was mostly driven by LHN being able to charge  customers insurance premiums again. The increased earnings have led to the ROE increasing from 12.2% at  1H20 to 13.8% at 1H21, while the ROA improved from 7.7% to 8.0%. LHN will declare an interim dividend  for the first time. The amount per share and date of payment will be announced on or before 30 September  2021.


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