ORY | Oryx Properties - 1H21 Results Review

    Oryx Properties Limited (Oryx) released interim results for the period ended 31 December 2020. A distribution  of 56.50 cents per linked unit was reported for the period, representing a 19.0% decrease from the 69.75 cents  per  unit  reported  for  the  corresponding  period  in  2020.  No  dividend  was  declared  for  the  period.  Earnings  attributable  to  linked  units  per  unit  (EPU)  declined  by  74.4%  y/y  to  32.59  cents  per  unit.  Headline  earnings  attributable to linked units however increased by 28.4% y/y from 74.66c in 1H20 to 95.88c in 1H21.


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