Equities Report
The total trading volume for Quarter One 2024 was 118,899,466 shares with a turnover of UGX 23,999,496,815. This quarter’s turnover performance showed a 39.45% increase from UGX 17,210,453,922 recorded in Quarter One 2023. UMEME Limited had most of the activity as investors looked to take up a position on the counter given its implied value. The main movers on the index have been NSE cross listed stocks with the catalyst being the 21.89% gain against the Uganda Shilling by the Kenya shilling.
Turnover performance per counter
UMEME Limited (UMEM) counter dominated quarterly activity, accounting for 88.09% of the total turnover followed by MTN Uganda Limited with 6.75%. In third position was Bank of Baroda (BOBU) with a 2.70% contribution to the month’s turnover and Stanbic Uganda Holdings Limited in fourth position with 1.67%. Airtel Uganda Limited (AIRTEL UGANDA), National Insurance Corporation (NIC), Quality Chemicals Limited (QCIL), DFCU Limited (DFCU), New Vision Printing and Publishing Uganda Limited, and Uganda Clays Limited (UCL) traded a total turnover of 0.8%.
The Local Company Index (LCI) dropped slightly during the period. The local index commenced the quarter at 271.85 and closed at 267.25 representing a 1.68% decrease. The All-Share Index (ALSI) increased by 22.86%, to 1,071.92 from 872.50 at the start of the month representing the changing environment on the cross listed stocks.