BRVM | FGI Weekly Report - 20 to 26 February, 2023
The stock market of the Regional Stock Exchange closed lower this week with a BRVM C which contracted by 0.05% to 205.37 and a BRVM 30 by 0.01% to 101.81 points. On the other hand, the BRVM Prestige ended on an increase of 0.51% to 106.26 points. This week's underperformance is linked to declines in all sectoral indices except "Agriculture" (+0.29%), "Public Services" (+0.73%) and "Transport " (+3.37%). On the other hand, the sectors "Other Sectors" (-5.49%),"Distribution" (-1.4 7%), "Finance" (-0.99%) and "Industry " (-0.01%) are all in poor shape this week. As for volume transactions, they are up, unlike the previous week, standing at 2 093 088 shares traded against 2 036 056 shares. ETI TOGO dominates trade, accounting for 73% of this volume. In value, transactions increased by 57.57% to 4.16 billion FCFA against 2.64 billion FCFA last week. In value terms, SONATEL accounted for 40% of transactions, followed by PALM CI (27%). In total, 13 values are up against 26 down, 6 values have remained constant.