The Regional Stock Exchange closed the last session of the year 2021 on an upward trend with theBRVM C standing at 202.28 points and the BRVM 10 at 153.51 points, i.e. annual increases of 39.15%and 17.29% respectively, compared to the year 2020 at the end of which the BRVM C and the BRVM 10stood at 130.88 points and 145.37 points. This annual market performance benefited all the sectoralindexes, particularly the "Industry" (+203.75%), "Agriculture" (181.15%) and "Other Sectors" (160.71%)sectors. The "Industry" sector was mainly driven by the NESTLE CI share, which recorded the best recordof the year (+1339.06%). For their part, SICOR and SAPH CI shares lead the "Agriculture" sector withrespective jumps of 316.26% and 271.07%. The SETAO share, which represents the "Other Sectors"sector, recorded a 160.71% increase at the end of December 2021. Moreover, a remarkable interest ofinvestors was observed on the market, resulting in a volume of transactions which amounted to7,845,944 shares on December 31, 2021. The ETI TOGO share was the main attraction of this lastsession of the year 2021, with 87% of the total volume of transactions. Capped since January 27, 2020,at 13 FCFA due to regional market regulations, the share price rose to 18 FCFA on December 31, 2021.Thus, the solid performance recorded by the bank in the third quarter of 2021 and the upward trend ofthe share price justify the enthusiasm of investors for this stock. In terms of value, the "Public Services"sector stands out with SONATEL and ONATEL shares dominating the exchanges, both representing 17%of transactions. Except for the MOVIS CI share which remained constant at the end of December 2021,all listed companies recorded increases compared to December 31, 2020.