BRVM | FGI Weekly Report - 13 to 19 March, 2023

    The stock market of the Regional Stock Exchange closed down this week with a BRVM C which contracted by 0.84% to 206.10 points, a BRVM 30 by 0.76% to 103.28 points and a BRVM Prestige by 0.35% to 106.78 points. The underperformance observed this week is linked to the declines recorded in all sectoral indices except the "Industry" and "Transport" sectors which recorded increases of 0.66% and 8.59% respectively. On the other hand, the sectors "Other Sectors" (-2.55%), "Public Services" (-1.28%), "Finance" (-0.93%), "Agriculture" (-0.73%) and "Distribution" (-0.5%) are all in poor shape this week. As for volume transactions, they are up, as in the previous week, reaching 6 998 018 shares traded against 2 123 397 shares. ETI TOGO dominates trade, accounting for 94% of this volume. In value, transactions fell by 27.58% to 2.41 billion XOF against 3.32 billion XOF last week. In value terms, SONATEL accounted for 22% of transactions. In total, 14 values are up against 23 down, 8 values have remained constant.

    The BRVM bond market shows a market capitalization down by 4 million XOF, or -0.04%. The overall capitalization of bonds is 10 149 billion XOF as of March 17, 2023. The bond called "FCTC TEYLIOM IMMO 7% 2021-2028" represents 95% of transactions in value which fell by 93.62% to 211.79 millions XOF.


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    Finance Gestion et Intermédiation (FGI S.A) est une SGI (Société de Gestion et d’intermédiation) agréée par le Conseil Régional de l’Epargne Publique et des Marchés Financiers de l’UMOA (CREPMF) sous le numéro SGI/2019-01. FGI s’est engagée à étoffer l’offre sur le marché de capitaux de la sous-région en développant des solutions financières innovantes à forte valeur ajoutée tant dans les types de produits d’investissement proposés aux investisseurs locaux et internationaux, que dans la plateforme de services mise à leur disposition. Elle permet à ses clients d’intervenir sur la Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières (BRVM) et sur le marché monétaire de l’UMOA.
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