DSE | Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange - Quarterly Market Report - March 2022

    Turnover and Volume

    The DSE bourse closed the first quarter of 2022 (Q122) on a positive note. The total turnovergenerated on the trading of stocks for the first quarter amounted to TZS 35.1Bln ($15.17Mln)which is a 50.66% jump from TZS 23.3Bln that was generated on the first quarter of2021(Q121). Furthermore, the volume of socks traded also improved by over 15.57% from36.8million shares traded on Q121 to 42.54million shares that traded on the current quarter. 

    Market Capitalization and Indices

    Both total market capitalization and domestic capitalization rallied during the quarter. Thetotal market capitalization ended the quarter at a TZS 16.14Trn ($7.02Bln) mark, being about5% up from TZS 15.36Trn of Q121. In the similar manner the domestic market capitalizationreached TZS 10.23Trn ($4.45Bln) about 10% up from TZS 9.25Trn ($4.02Bln) of similarquarter last year. This growth was in tandem with the market Indices, All Share Index(DSEI) and Tanzania Share Index (TSI). The DSEI gained 87 points and closed the quarterwith 1,936.45points while the TSI added some 350 points and closed the quarter with3,868.19 points.


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