DSE | Monthly Market Report - May 2021

    A significant decline on the equities marketactivities has been observed in May as opposedto the records of April. The equities turnover hasdeclined by over 85% to TZS 2.4Bln from TZS17.42Bln recorded in April, although higher thanTZS 373Mln recorded in May last year. Thenumber of shares traded followed suit byrecording a 42% decline from 13.3Mln sharestraded in April to 7.6Mln shares traded incurrent month under review. The decline inturnover is due to scarcity of transactions on thebourse. The participation of both locals andforeigners was lower compared to previousmonths, but also the pre-arranged board whichhas become a great source of lucrative valueturnovers had also dried out during the month.


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